Hello! This is Mike Matthews taking the bus to THE LAST PLACE ON EARTH! This week we have a very special guest all the way from England named Eliza Doolittle. Her debut album has gone platinum over there and now it's being released here in the States! We'll talk to her and find out interesting tidbits you can't find out anywhere else with a singer who is constantly honored on "you tube" in her home country. Her album comes out here on March 22nd.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
THE LAST PLACE ON EARTH effizode 20!!!
THE LAST PLACE ON EARTH effizode 20!!!
Hello! This is Mike Matthews taking the bus to THE LAST PLACE ON EARTH!
This week we have a very special guest all the way from England named Eliza
Doolittle. Her debut album has gone platinum over there and now it's being
released here in the States! We'll talk to her and find out interesting
tidbits you can't find out anywhere else with a singer who is constantly
honored on "you tube" in her home country. Her album comes out here on
March 22nd.
I can not believe gas prices! They're blaming it on Libya but reports say
most of their gas doesn't go to us but to Europe. I think they blame
anything to crank the prices up. Ow, I hurt my finger, crank gas prices
up. Do my bidding!
People were protesting FOX news in Wisconsin while they were there covering
the union issues going on. Now can we all get together and protest
EVERYTHING that's on TV? It's all crap! I am forcing myself to watch the
Oscar's this weekend, but then, that's it! Amazon's competing with Netflix
now with their special streaming movies feature. I never have to watch TV
Next week we'll feature some of the "unheard" bits of my interview with
singer/songwriter Ben Wilkins. We'll also hear from the cafe characters
including Chely Shoehart, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, Benita the Rodeo
Queen, Floyd the Floorman, Valentino the Parking Attendant, Bison Bentley,
The Brewmaster, and John Boehner. I know how much you miss them!
So here's EFFIZODE NUMBER 20! Yayyy! I've finally produced a podcast that
has gone to TWENTY!!! I'm so happy! Listen to the Eliza interview and find
out about my recent "open mic" (the first one I've done in over FIVE
YEARS!!!). Click on the link below to hear the podcast...
You can subscribe on iTunes at
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Hi, this is Mike Matthews, boarding my pimped out bus that takes us to THE LAST PLACE ON EARTH! This week we'll talk to a fun and interesting singer/songwriter named Tristen who has a lot to say about DIY album making and creating her own unique style. We're gonna hear some of her songs and get up close and personal with her next as we travel into THE LAST PLACE ON EARTH...insert slogan here.
Hi, this is Mike Matthews, boarding my pimped out bus that takes us to THE
LAST PLACE ON EARTH! This week we'll talk to a fun and interesting
singer/songwriter named Tristen who has a lot to say about DIY album making
and creating her own unique style. We're gonna hear some of her songs and
get up close and personal with her next as we travel into THE LAST PLACE ON
EARTH...insert slogan here.
So all of a sudden I had a bunch of cool people to interview. That does not
mean, however, that you'll never hear from The Disgruntled Fiddle Player,
Benita the Rodeo Queen, or Chely Shoehart Our 18 Year Old Gift Shop
Supervisor ever again. They are patiently waiting in the wings along with
Valentino the Parking Attendant, Bison Bentley, Floyd the Floor Man, The
Brewmaster, and John Bohner.
To those of you new to the show, thanks for tuning in. I believe you can
find a lot more interesting things to listen to in the world of podcasts
versus commercial radio which is the most boring tripe ever. Sure, if you
love to hear Katy Perry's "singing" piledriven into your ears repeatedly
than you can keep following the beat of a worn-out, past-its-prime drum. If
you really want to spark your imagination and learn something you never knew
before, listen to podcasts. Preferably by independent thinking people who
independently produce their own shows. I am trying to do that with this
show, so knowing you tuned in really makes me happy.
What else makes me happy? Not listening to Katy Perry's "shrill as hill"
voice. Seriously, I lived through Alanis. I don't need an updated
version. Putting a barbie doll on A's head doesn't make her any more
palatable. At least Alanis wasn't trying to be sexy. She was just singing
her particular style and selling it with just her voice and guts. Katy is
all about image and whipped cream flying out of...well...places on her
But enough of that and I hope I didn't offend you, no matter where your
musical taste might lean. Here is where you can hear the latest from THE
To subscribe on iTunes you can go to...
Thanks for listening!
Monday, February 14, 2011
So V day snuck up on us on a Monday this year. That means we get to start off the week with a holiday that by the end of the week we'll have completely forgotten what all the advertisements were for. No, it's not a holiday you get off from work. Yes, it's one that as a male you should remember or you might look a little insensitive. You should find many, many ways to show the one you love that you love them, not just on a mid-February holiday. Yet, this is one day you shouldn't let go by.
So V day snuck up on us on a Monday this year. That means we get to start
off the week with a holiday that by the end of the week we'll have
completely forgotten what all the advertisements were for. No, it's not a
holiday you get off from work. Yes, it's one that as a male you should
remember or you might look a little insensitive. You should find many, many
ways to show the one you love that you love them, not just on a mid-February
holiday. Yet, this is one day you shouldn't let go by.
Remember that Gary Marshall movie that came out last year with the same
name? Seeing "No Strings Attached" made me think I was watching a
continuation of that movie. Maybe it's because Ashton was in both of them.
And he plays the same character in every movie. And he'll probably be in
another romantic movie about the same time again next year and I'll think
that movie is a continuation of those other one's.
Enjoy the hearts and flowers and cupids and candies and the color red and
all its variations splashed everywhere. By Tuesday you'll be back to
wondering how fast the weekend will get here.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Hello, this is Mike Matthews boarding the bus and heading to the place where this week we talk to a brand new artist named Ben Wilkins! Ben's a singer-songwriter from Canada with a new album out. We'll hear some of it and get to talk to him and find out about his interesting connection to Sarah McLachlan...other than that they're both...you know...Canadian.
That's THE LAST PLACE ON EARTH!This week I discovered how much I love to write papers! Yes, it's been a hefty twenty years since I wrote papers for a class, and I forgot all about those wonderful things like referencing and footnoting and not plagiarizing and ad infinitum. Oh, and I'm surrounded by just post high school students. They are so unhappy to be there. I like being there. Don't know what their problem is. Why don't I know? Ah yes...because I'M OLD!!! This week we talk with a really interesting guy who lives in Montreal named Ben Wilkins. He's been on many different shows promoting his new EP called Back of My Head and we're happy to have him on our show. You can hear it now by clicking here... http://michaelmatthews.podomatic.com/entry/2011-02-09T17_37_13-08_00Don't forget you can also subscribe on iTunes at http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/michaelmatthewss-podcast/id318601461 Soon we'll have on some other cool new singer-songwriters including Tristen and Eliza Doolittle. Thanks for listening and let me know what you think below...Somewhere below this sentence...below here...maybe. MikeHello, this is Mike Matthews boarding the bus and heading to the place where
this week we talk to a brand new artist named Ben Wilkins! Ben's a
singer-songwriter from Canada with a new album out. We'll hear some of it
and get to talk to him and find out about his interesting connection to
Sarah McLachlan...other than that they're both...you know...Canadian.
This week I discovered how much I love to write papers! Yes, it's been a
hefty twenty years since I wrote papers for a class, and I forgot all about
those wonderful things like referencing and footnoting and not plagiarizing
and ad infinitum. Oh, and I'm surrounded by just post high school
students. They are so unhappy to be there. I like being there. Don't know
what their problem is. Why don't I know? Ah yes...because I'M OLD!!!
This week we talk with a really interesting guy who lives in Montreal named
Ben Wilkins. He's been on many different shows promoting his new EP called
Back of My Head and we're happy to have him on our show. You can hear it
now by clicking here...
Don't forget you can also subscribe on iTunes at
Soon we'll have on some other cool new singer-songwriters including Tristen
and Eliza Doolittle. Thanks for listening and let me know what you think
Somewhere below this sentence...below here...maybe.