So V day snuck up on us on a Monday this year. That means we get to start
off the week with a holiday that by the end of the week we'll have
completely forgotten what all the advertisements were for. No, it's not a
holiday you get off from work. Yes, it's one that as a male you should
remember or you might look a little insensitive. You should find many, many
ways to show the one you love that you love them, not just on a mid-February
holiday. Yet, this is one day you shouldn't let go by.
Remember that Gary Marshall movie that came out last year with the same
name? Seeing "No Strings Attached" made me think I was watching a
continuation of that movie. Maybe it's because Ashton was in both of them.
And he plays the same character in every movie. And he'll probably be in
another romantic movie about the same time again next year and I'll think
that movie is a continuation of those other one's.
Enjoy the hearts and flowers and cupids and candies and the color red and
all its variations splashed everywhere. By Tuesday you'll be back to
wondering how fast the weekend will get here.
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