HERE'S effizode 23 of "THE LAST PLACE ON EARTH" with special guest HEY ROSETTA!
Hi, this is Mike Matthews hopping on the bus that takes us to THE LAST PLACE ON EARTH! This week on EFFIZODE 23 we talk to a band out of Newfoundland called Hey Rosetta! They recently played at the Rickshaw Stop in San Francisco and their little set was AMAZING! We'll also let the Disgruntled Fiddle Player have a hand in interviewing new bands and I'll sing a very short song that hopefully doesn't get me booed off the stage. It's all next on THE LAST PLACE ON EARTH!
So I've had no time for this show
My life's been go, go, go!
St. Patty's came and went
Had no boiled cabbage yet
I caught poison oak almost 2 weeks back
It's slowly disappearing but I'm just about to yack
I hope I don't have some flesh eating disease
Since I'm made of flesh I'm kind of not very pleased
Gonna dress you up with my love...
Next time I'm out in nature
I'll get to know the poisonous nomenclature!
I have been so busy with school lately and then this poison oak thing has had my wife and I going to the internet regularly. Is it supposed to look like that? Is it supposed to look that hideous?
I'm taking only 2 classes but the amount of work seems to escalate like walking down an expanding hall in your dreams! It just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Maybe I should quit this show all together? Yes? No?
Which means I still haven't done my taxes! Here we are, less than a month away and I've gotta hop to it! Or, I could wait till the last minute. It's not like my CPA charges me any less for getting all the stuff in any earlier. Make her work! Oh...wait...she's pregnant. I should be nice. Sorry.
This week we talk with such an amazing band called Hey Rosetta! and an amazing singer/songwriter named Tim Baker. The band's name actually comes from imagery that was conjured up whilst Tim thought about the importance of the Rosetta Stone. When we saw them perform there were six people on stage and they all played with equal intensity to Tim's voice. The young group of people that made up the audience seemed to really enjoy them!
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Thanks for listening! Next week we'll have new artist singer/songwriter Irene Pena! Don't miss it!
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