Saturday, December 29, 2012

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST Saturday 12/29/2012 11am


MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 437 Saturday December 29th 2012 11am Pacific Time
"Internet Talk Radio For Your Imagination!"

If the above link's expired you can find it forever on dropbox here...

Oops!  I missaid something on the show today.  You won't be able to see Comet ISON two years from now, just a year from now.  It will be visible from October 2013 to January 2014.  That will be fun!  Of course there will be those doomsayers as there always is surrounding anything of a scientific nature.  No, it's just an old calender.  No, it's just an amazing comet that we'll have the opportunity to see.  Chill out!  Oh, and have a wonderful 2013!  Have a safe new year's and do not drink booze if you're going to drive.  Enjoy the virgin drinks: your coke's and sprite's and blended smoothies.  2013 will be a lucky year!  Let's start it off smart!  And here's to more fun Mike's Daily Podcasts in 2013!

Today we hear from Chely Shoehart, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer, PLUS we bring you the segment MIKE's ABSOLUTELY USELESS REVIEW, or MAUR, of 2012, and another song by a group I interviewed this year!

Tomorrow we'll bring you the segment MIKE ON MOBILE, plus we'll hear from Benita, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster!

Email me if you'd like to sponsor the show or if you'd like to be a guest on the show at
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Watch the MIKEs DAILY post PODCAST (when we get around to doing it) on Mike's Daily Podcast TV at
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Friday, December 28, 2012

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST Friday 12/28/2012 10am


MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 436 Friday December 28th 2012 10am Pacific Time
"Internet Talk Radio For Your Imagination!"

Or if the above link's expired you can find it forever here on dropbox....

My dog is a boxer named Basil.  He's just the cutest dog.  I try to walk him every day, but no matter how much exercise he gets he becomes rambunctious when I start recording the podcast.  It's like he doesn't understand what's going on.  Okay, I guess that happens to most people who listen to the show.  I think all the different voices freak him out.  As soon as I start recording he goes upstairs.   When I'm done he comes back down.  Sorry Basil.  I hope all the walking I give you more than makes up for it!

Today we hear from Madame Rootabega, Valentino, and Bison Bentley, PLUS we bring you the segment WOW, SCHATZ, WOW! where we take a look at a television episode that foretold this year six years ago!

Tomorrow we bring you the segment MIKE ON MOBILE, plus we'll hear from Chely Shoehart, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer.

Email me if you'd like to sponsor the show or if you'd like to be a guest on the show at
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Watch the MIKEs DAILY post PODCAST (when we get around to doing it) on Mike's Daily Podcast TV at
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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST Wednesday 12/26/2012 1pm


MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 435 Wednesday December 26th 2012 1pm Pacific Time
"Internet Talk Radio For Your Imagination!"

Or if the link above is expired you can find it forever here...

So Christmas is done and I am done with hearing Christmas songs.  However, I do get in to that whole other people interpreting famous old songs with their own style, so I am slowly adjusting out of the holiday music by listening to an Internet radio station that plays nothing but covers!  It's fascinating!  It's on Soma DOT fm and it's free though you can contribute if you like.  I love hearing some of these renditions, and there's NO COMMERCIALS!  None that I heard, any way.

Today we hear from Benita, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster, PLUS we bring you the segment NEWS RANDOM and some strange post-Christmas animal stories.

Tomorrow we bring you the segment WOW, SCHATZ, WOW!  Plus we'll hear from Madame Rootabega, Valentino, and Bison Bentley!

Email me if you'd like to sponsor the show or if you'd like to be a guest on the show at
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Watch the MIKEs DAILY post PODCAST (when we get around to doing it) on Mike's Daily Podcast TV at
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Sunday, December 23, 2012

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST Sunday 12/23/2012 11am


MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 434 Sunday December 23rd 2012 11am Pacific Time
"Internet Talk Radio For Your Imagination!"

Or if that link's expired you can find it forever on dropbox here...

I made Tlapeno Soup last night (see blog post below) and it was AWESOME!  Such a low fat delicious meal.  It's a little spicy because you put Adobo sauce in it, but that just makes you feel so good when you're done!  It's even better if you have a cold!  I bet you never thought you'd read that sentence!

Today we hear from Chely Shoehart, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer, PLUS we bring you the PREMIER of the NEW SEGMENT called THE BOTTOM OF THE CHARTS, and we bring you another group I interviewed this year!

Tomorrow we bring you the segment NEWS RANDOM plus we hear from Benita, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster!

Email me if you'd like to sponsor the show or if you'd like to be a guest on the show at
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Watch the MIKEs DAILY post PODCAST (when we get around to doing it) on Mike's Daily Podcast TV at
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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Mike Maketh Tlapeno Soup for Saturday Night! Feliz Navidad!


Such a yummy soup full of chicken, spices, veggies, and the most amazing broth!

Mike Matthews
Mike's Daily Podcast

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST Saturday 12/22/2012 11am


MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 433 Saturday December 22nd 2012 11am Pacific Time
"Internet Talk Radio For Your Imagination!"

Or if the link above is expired you can find it forever on dropbox here...

This is that time of year when people get really mean in parking lots every where.  So try not to be a humbug and be courteous to your fellow driver.  Now get the hell out of my way!

Today we hear from Madame Rootabega, Valentino, and Bison Bentley, PLUS we bring you the segment WHAT's THE CLICHE OF THE WEEK featuring a word we're all tired of, AND we hear another band we interviewed this year!

Tomorrow we bring you the segment NEWS RANDOM, plus we hear from Chely Shoehart, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer.

Email me if you'd like to sponsor the show or if you'd like to be a guest on the show at
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Watch the MIKEs DAILY post PODCAST (when we get around to doing it) on Mike's Daily Podcast TV at
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Friday, December 21, 2012

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST Friday 12/21/2012 2pm


MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 432 Friday December 21st 2012 2pm Pacific Time
"Internet Talk Radio For Your Imagination!"

If the above link's expired you can find it forever on dropbox here...

You can't be serious!  Christmas this Tuesday?  Who authorized this??? I didn't realized since I had the end of the world coming today and I was preoccupied.  Speaking of which, I went to visit my wife's cousin's family today and they live next to Jehovah's Witnesses, one of their compounds.  They just moved in over the past year.  I asked if their neighbors were noisy and if they bothered them and they said no, but they wondered why none of their buildings had windows.  That IS intriguing!  Maybe it's like a bunker since they're always thinking the end of the world is coming.  To them every day is December 21st!

Today we hear from Benita, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster, PLUS we bring you the segment THE MIKELOPEDIA INSANICA featuring the 3 best little-thought-of Christmas movies and another song from one of the artists we had this year on INTO AN INTERVIEW!

Tomorrow we bring you the segment WHAT's THE CLICHE OF THE WEEK?  Plus we hear from Madame Rootabega, Valentino, and Bison Bentley.

Email me if you'd like to sponsor the show or if you'd like to be a guest on the show at
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Watch the MIKEs DAILY post PODCAST (when we get around to doing it) on Mike's Daily Podcast TV at
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Thursday, December 20, 2012

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST Thursday 12/20/2012 2pm


MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 431 Thursday December 20th 2012 2pm Pacific Time
"Internet Talk Radio For Your Imagination!"

Or if the above link's expired you can find it forever on dropbox here...

So I had a plumbing problem last night that forced me to miss the PodCastro Valley Adult School's Christmas performance at the PodCastro Valley Community Center!  I was so bummed!  And I was so stinky because I had been trying to snake my shower which was filled with dirty water.  I called a plumber which I talk about in today's podcast.  Oh plumbing problems!  So much fun!

Today we hear from Chely Shoehart, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer, PLUS we bring you the segment MASTERPOD THEATER where we see a dramatic reenactment of a pivotal moment in Christmas history.

Tomorrow we'll bring you the segment THE MIKELOPEDIA INSANICA, plus we'll hear from Benita, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster!

Email me if you'd like to sponsor the show or if you'd like to be a guest on the show at
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Watch the MIKEs DAILY post PODCAST (when we get around to doing it) on Mike's Daily Podcast TV at
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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST Wednesday 12/19/2012 10am


MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 430 Wednesday December 19th 2012 10am Pacific Time
"Internet Talk Radio For Your Imagination!"

Or if the above link's expired you can find it forever on dropbox here...

I haven't written anything yet about the shooting.  I really try not to do what everybody else in the world is doing, and so many people have articulated better than I could have.  But this was big.  This was way beyond any of us could have expected.  For the lives lost we must commit to more restrictive laws on guns.  What if there was a teacher who had a gun to fight back with?  Well, the killer had more than one gun so unless we're saying everyone should pack twice the amount of heat I think we should start thinking about making it more difficult for ANYONE to have access to firepower like this.

Today we hear from Madame Rootabega, Valentino, and Bison Bentley, PLUS we announce the winner of the YULETIDE PERSONALIZED MP3 FOR THEE CONTEST on the segment EMAILS FOR ME MAIL, and we hear a song from one of the groups I interviewed this year!

Tomorrow we bring you the segment MASTERPOD THEATER, plus we hear from Chely Shoehart, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer!

Email me if you'd like to sponsor the show or if you'd like to be a guest on the show at
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Watch the MIKEs DAILY post PODCAST (when we get around to doing it) on Mike's Daily Podcast TV at
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Monday, December 17, 2012

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST Monday 12/17/2012 10am

MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 429 Monday December 17th 2012 10am Pacific Time
"Internet Talk Radio For Your Imagination!"

Listen to today's show on by clicking on the link below...

Or if the above link's expired you can find it forever here...

It's a rainy day in Northern California.  Nothing very interesting about that, really.  I'm going to wear clothes I don't mind getting soaked.  I guess all clothes are like that except for dry cleaning.  Yes, this was a really inspirational paragraph.

Today we hear from Benita, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster, PLUS we bring you the FINALE of the segment INTO AN INTERVIEW with Blake Christiana of the awesome group Yarn!

Tomorrow we bring you the segment EMAILS FOR ME MAIL, plus we'll hear from Madame Rootabega, Valentino, and Bison Bentley.

Email me if you'd like to sponsor the show or if you'd like to be a guest on the show at
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Watch the MIKEs DAILY post PODCAST (when we get around to doing it) on Mike's Daily Podcast TV at
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Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Tide is High...Very High at San Leandro Marina!


It's the King of Tides! Not a bad Nick Nolte movie but a crazy high tide.

Mike Matthews
Mike's Daily Podcast

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST Sunday 12/16/2012 1pm

MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 428 Sunday December 16th 2012 1pm Pacific Time
"Internet Talk Radio For Your Imagination!"

Listen to today's show on by clicking on the link below...

Or if the above link's expired you can find it forever on dropbox here...

So I got an awesome birthday present!  Though my b-day was weeks ago, this cool present is an espresso maker that's kinda like those keuriggy things you see all over now.  It froths milk too.  I don't ever have to go to another starbucks again.  Dang, and I have a freeby from the rewards coming up.  Oh the dilemmas of life!

Today we hear from Chely Shoehart, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer, PLUS we bring you part 3 of INTO AN INTERVIEW with Blake Christiana of the band Yarn!

Tomorrow we bring you the FINALE of INTO AN INTERVIEW with Yarn's Blake Christiana, PLUS we'll hear from Benita, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster!

Email me if you'd like to sponsor the show or if you'd like to be a guest on the show at
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Watch the MIKEs DAILY post PODCAST (when we get around to doing it) on Mike's Daily Podcast TV at
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Friday, December 14, 2012

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST Friday 12/14/2012 10am

MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 427 Friday December 14th 2012 10am Pacific Time
"Internet Talk Radio For Your Imagination!"

Listen to today's show on by clicking on the link below...

Or if the above link's expired you can find it forever on dropbox here...

So you can listen to this show on a great online radio station called KNJOradio DOT com weekdays at 3pm and 7pm.  I used to work at KNJO in the early 90's when I was struggling to get on the air any where.  At one point I was on KNJO in Thousand Oaks on Saturday morning, then Y-97 in Santa Barbara by Saturday afternoon, then 96.7 The Bus in Ventura by Saturday night.  That was a lot of driving and hardly any pay, but I was paying my dues.  Hell, in radio you're ALWAYS paying your dues!

Today we hear from Madame Rootabega, Valentino, and Bison Bentley, PLUS we bring you part 2 of the segment INTO AN INTERVIEW with Blake Christiana of the awesome band Yarn!

Tomorrow we'll bring you part 3 of INTO AN INTERVIEW with Yarn's Blake Christiana, PLUS we'll hear from Chely Shoehart, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer!

Email me if you'd like to sponsor the show or if you'd like to be a guest on the show at
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Watch the MIKEs DAILY post PODCAST (when we get around to doing it) on Mike's Daily Podcast TV at
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Thursday, December 13, 2012

A Shopping Cart Christmas Tree! The Artistic Side of Commercialized Christmas!


Taken at the Shell-mound Shopping Center in Emeryville! I hate shopping carts when some idiot leaves one sitting on my street, but this looks cool! Mike Matthews
Mike's Daily Podcast

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST Wednesday 12/12/2012 1pm

MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 426 Wednesday December 12th 2012 1pm Pacific Time
"Internet Talk Radio For Your Imagination!"

Listen to today's show on by clicking on the link below...

Or if the link above's expired you can hear it forever on dropbox here...

Last night I had some awesome German food with my friends Terri and Steve at a German restaurant in Alameda.  Something about German food around Christmas time just seems right.  So much fun and quite a lot of pork.  Those German's know their pig.  Know thy swine as thyself.  Isn't that a saying?  No?  Never mind...oh, and oops!  That Saint Motel song is called "1997" not "1979."  I had a dyslexic moment in today's show!  Oh, and I guess this show would have been more interesting had I done it at 12pm then it would have been 12/12/12 12pm.  Alas, I was a little late.

Today we hear from Benita, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster, PLUS we bring you part 1 of the segment INTO AN INTERVIEW with Blake Christiana of the band Yarn!

Tomorrow we'll bring you part 2 of INTO AN INTERVIEW with Yarn's Blake Christiana, PLUS we'll hear from Madame Rootabega, Valentino, and Bison Bentley.

Email me if you'd like to sponsor the show or if you'd like to be a guest on the show at
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Watch the MIKEs DAILY post PODCAST (when we get around to doing it) on Mike's Daily Podcast TV at
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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST Tuesday 12/11/2012 5pm

[[posterous-content:pid___0]]MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 425 Tuesday December 11th 2012 5pm Pacific Time
"Internet Talk Radio For Your Imagination!"

Listen to today's show on by clicking on the link below....

If the above link is expired you can hear it on dropbox forever here...

So the show has been moved on KNJOradio DOT com from 2pm to 3pm and 7pm so now twice daily!  Wow!  A wider audience will be listening to this show!  I better quit being a lazy oaf and actually produce something some what interesting!  Nahhhhh!

Today we hear from Chely Shoehart, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer, PLUS we bring you the segment MIKE MAKES MUSIC where we hear a special Christmas song I wrote that may pertain to you!

Tomorrow we bring you the segment INTO AN INTERVIEW where I'll be talking to Blake Christiana of the band Yarn, PLUS we'll hear from Benita, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster.

Email me if you'd like to sponsor the show or if you'd like to be a guest on the show at
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Watch the MIKEs DAILY post PODCAST (when we get around to doing it) on Mike's Daily Podcast TV at
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Monday, December 10, 2012

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST Monday 12/10/2012 7pm

MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 424 Monday December 10th, 2012 7pm Pacific Time
"Internet Talk Radio For Your Imagination!"

Listen to today's show on by clicking on the link below...

If the above link is expired you can hear it forever on dropbox here...

This podcast is now being heard on the radio!!!  Well, not a "terrestrial radio" or one that is uses a frequency on the AM or FM band.  This is an INTERNET radio station called KNJO RADIO dot COM and Steve Thomas who runs it will play this show back at 2pm Pacific Time DAILY!!! Isn't that great?!? I used to be heard on KNJO when I was 22 to 25 years old.  Now I am much older and wiser and don't suck so much at radio announcing.  Okay, maybe I do a little.  Let's just say Ryan Seacrest is younger than me and makes tons and tons and tons of more money than I do.  I guess I see my place in the grand spectrum of things.  But thank you so much KNJO Radio for having me on!  We'll have lots o' fun!

Today we hear from Madame Rootabega, Valentino, and Bison Bentley, PLUS we bring you the FINALE of the segment INTO AN INTERVIEW with singer/songwriter/multi-

instrumentalist Kelly Pratt of the band Bright Moments!

Tomorrow we bring you the segment MIKE MAKES MUSIC, plus we hear from Chely Shoehart, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer.

Email me if you'd like to sponsor the show or if you'd like to be a guest on the show at
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Watch the MIKEs DAILY post PODCAST (when we get around to doing it) on Mike's Daily Podcast TV at
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Saturday, December 8, 2012

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST Saturday 12/8/2012 11am

[[posterous-content:pid___0]]MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 423 Saturday December 8th, 2012 11am Pacific Time
"Internet Talk Radio For Your Imagination!"

Listen to today's show on by clicking on the link below...

If the above link's expired you can hear it forever on this dropbox link...

Make some waffles.  Cook up a bunch then put them in a ziplock bag and freeze them.  Then, you can throw them in the toaster and have a delicious instant breakfast.  I had a toaster waffle today and it was awesome.  Now what to do with the rest of my day.

Today we hear from Benita, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster, PLUS we bring you part 3 of INTO AN INTERVIEW with Kelly Pratt of the group Bright Moments.

Tomorrow we'll have the FINALE of our INTO AN INTERVIEW with Bright Moments' Kelly Pratt, PLUS we'll hear from Madame Rootabega, Valentino, and Bison Bentley.

Email me if you'd like to sponsor the show or if you'd like to be a guest on the show at
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Watch the MIKEs DAILY post PODCAST (when we get around to doing it) on Mike's Daily Podcast TV at
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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Wow! This so good! On Powell near Market in San Francisco.


It's curry and noodles and chicken and that hard boiled egg. Oh, and they get it to you in around five minutes! Thank you, Bangkok! I shall be warm the rest of the day!

Mike Matthews
Mike's Daily Podcast

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST Wednesday 12/5/2012 4pm

MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 422 Wednesday December 5th, 2012 4pm Pacific Time
"Internet Talk Radio For Your Imagination!"

Listen to today's show on by clicking on the link below...

Or if that link's expired you can find it forever on dropbox here...

Horchata.  What a fantastic drink.  A little milk and cinnamon and nutmeg and rice...I think.  I've never tried to make it but they offer it in all the taqueria's here in PodCastro Valley.  Just thought I'd take a moment to highlight a wondrous drink.  You're welcome.

Today we hear from Chely Shoehart, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer, PLUS we bring you part 2 of the segment INTO AN INTERVIEW with Kelly Pratt, the singer/songwriter/multi-

instrumentalist of the band Bright Moments.

Tomorrow we'll bring you part 3 of the segment INTO AN INTERVIEW with the band Bright Moments, PLUS we'll hear from Benita, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster.

Email me if you'd like to sponsor the show or if you'd like to be a guest on the show at
Tell your friends about my website
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Watch the MIKEs DAILY post PODCAST (when we get around to doing it) on Mike's Daily Podcast TV at
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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST Tuesday 12/4/2012 3pm

MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 421 Tuesday December 4th, 2012 3pm Pacific Time
"Internet Talk Radio For Your Imagination!"

Listen to today's show on by clicking on the link below...

Or if the above link is expired you can find it forever on dropbox here...

I am making Mexican Chicken Soup tonight.  This is going to be a new experience for me.  Wish me well.  If this fails I'm blaming you.  Thanks.

Today we hear from Madame Rootabega, Valentino, and Bison Bentley, PLUS we bring you the segment INTO AN INTERVIEW with the lead singer/songwriter/composer/

multi-instrumentalist of the band Bright Moments, Kelly Pratt!

Tomorrow we bring you part 2 of INTO AN INTERVIEW with Bright Moments' Kelly Pratt, PLUS we'll hear from Chely Shoehart, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer.

Email me if you'd like to sponsor the show or if you'd like to be a guest on the show at
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Watch the MIKEs DAILY post PODCAST (when we get around to doing it) on Mike's Daily Podcast TV at
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Monday, December 3, 2012

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST Monday 12/3/2012 8pm

MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 420 Monday December 3rd 2012 8pm Pacific Time
"Internet Talk Radio For Your Imagination!"

Listen to today's show on by clicking on the link below...

Or if that link's expired you can find it forever on dropbox at this link...

Today I realized something.  That I have got to be a cool neighbor and put up my lights.  So I did.  Now everyone can drive by and marvel at the money I spent to look yule cool.  But the interesting thing is I got it all for free!  Yeah, all my outdoor decorations were given to me.  Hand me downs.  Maybe THAT is why it looks like crap.

Today we hear from Benita, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster, PLUS we bring you the segment NEWS RANDOM where we hear an interesting story about Tony Bennett because that's what the hip kids are in to nowadays.

Tomorrow we bring you the segment INTO AN INTERVIEW where I'll be talking with the awesome band Bright Moments, PLUS we'll hear from Madame Rootabega, Valentino, and Bison Bentley.

Email me if you'd like to sponsor the show or if you'd like to be a guest on the show at
Tell your friends about my website
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Watch the MIKEs DAILY post PODCAST (when we get around to doing it) on Mike's Daily Podcast TV at
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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST Wednesday 11/28/2012 3pm

MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 418 Wednesday November 28th 2012 3pm Pacific Time
"Internet Talk Radio For Your Imagination!"

Listen to today's show on by clicking on the link below...

If that link's expired you can find it forever on dropbox below...

So I sent in a demo of my radio work to the old station I used to work for in Ventura County, California but as of yet they aren't banging on my door (or calling my cell).  Maybe they did a google search and found this blog and didn't like what they read.  Maybe they've already settled for a Ryan Seacrest clone.  In any case, it's looking good for you people that want this podcast to continue.  Do you want it to continue?  Please email me at MikesDailyPodcast at gmail dot com!

Today we hear from Chely Shoehart, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer, PLUS we bring you the segment THE MIKELOPEDIA INSANICA where we spotlight an amazing actor who makes me laugh to no end.

Tomorrow we bring you the segment NEWS RANDOM, plus we hear from Benita, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster.

Email me if you'd like to sponsor the show or if you'd like to be a guest on the show at
Tell your friends about my website
"Like" this show on facebook at
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Watch the MIKEs DAILY post PODCAST (when we get around to doing it) on Mike's Daily Podcast TV at
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Monday, November 26, 2012

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST Monday 11/26/2012 8pm

MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 417 Monday November 26th 2012 8pm Pacific Time
"Internet Talk Radio For Your Imagination!"

Listen to today's show on by clicking on the link below...

If the above link is expired you can hear it forever on dropbox here...

I'm posting this so late on Cyber Monday I need to hurry to purchase something online because I'm a LEMMING and I seem to think I'm going to get a deal when in reality it's no different than ANY OTHER SALE GOING ON at any other time.  You're welcome!

Today we hear from Benita, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster, PLUS we bring you the segment MIKE ON MOBILE where we go to me on location on my vacation and I am not wearing any embarrassing swim trunks this time!

Tomorrow we bring you the segment NEWS RANDOM plus we hear from Madame Rootabega, Valentino, and Bison Bentley.

Email me if you'd like to sponsor the show or if you'd like to be a guest on the show at
Tell your friends about my website
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Watch the MIKEs DAILY post PODCAST (when we get around to doing it) on Mike's Daily Podcast TV at
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Friday, November 23, 2012

Jim Spencer and Shirley Lorraine are still reviewing Ventura County theater? How long is that?


Newspaper critics don't die, or go online, they just find some other paper to work for to be buried on page 16!

Mike Matthews
Mike's Daily Podcast

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Spreading the word of Mike's Daily Podcast to the world! Can you spot the flier?


Posted at one of the Ventura Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf's. They're pretty good about not tearing them down right away! Spreading the word of MDP from podCastro Valley to Ventura,CA!

Mike Matthews
Mike's Daily Podcast

My favorite shirt and my favorite town! I'm a nerd! And simply a visitor.


The land of a thousand beautiful sunsets on my birthday! Can't believe I was so blessed to live in Ventura so long!

Mike Matthews
Mike's Daily Podcast

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Autumn sun picture taken at Harbor Bay Isle

I'm squinting! Taken near Alameda.


Mike Matthews
Mike's Daily Podcast

Sweet Sunset!

I love the Autumn sky in the Bay Area!


Mike Matthews
Mike's Daily Podcast

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST Tuesday 11/20/2012 7pm

MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 416 Tuesday November 20th 2012 7pm Pacific Time
"Internet Talk Radio For Your Imagination!"

Listen to today's show on by clicking on the link below...

Or if the link is expired above you can find it forever on dropbox here...

My birthday is in two days so what to get me?  How 'bout Adam Corrolla's head of hair.  Seriously, how does that guy generate so much fro?  I, on the other hand, have been blessed with shiny skull skin.  Wondrous.

Today we hear from Chely Shoehart, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer, PLUS we bring you the segment NEWS RANDOM where we hear about a measure that passed in podCastro Valley that was a complete goof!

Tomorrow and till next Monday we will have no MIKE's DAILY PODCAST so that I can make a huge Thanksgiving feast for all the podcast characters and then sleep for the next three days straight.  We'll see how well that works.  But we will be back this Monday, or CYBER MONDAY, to bring you the segment MIKE ON MOBILE, plus we'll hear from Benita, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster.

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Monday, November 19, 2012

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST Monday 11/19/2012 3pm

MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 415 Monday November 19th 2012 3pm Pacific Time
"Internet Talk Radio For Your Imagination!"

Listen to today's show on by clicking on the link below...

Or if the above link is expired you can find it forever on dropbox here...

So my birthday is in 3 days.  Yes, it's on Thanksgiving this year.  I am going to be the double your fun number 4!  As in 44!  I am so happy to be twice the age of such famous people today as Kristen Stewart.  Yes, so happy.  What's that?  A tear?  Oh, bother!

Today we hear from Madame Rootabega, Valentino, and Bison Bentley, PLUS we bring you the segment MIKE ON MOBILE where I speak to you from a very interesting location in the Bay Area.

Tomorrow we bring you the segment NEWS RANDOM, plus we hear from Chely Shoehart, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer.

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Garin Regional Park in Hayward has some cool old farm equipment Basil liked!

They've made the old tools "safe" by removing sharp and dangerous parts. Basil the Boxer seemed very interested!


Mike Matthews
Mike's Daily Podcast

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Listening to the trippiest live music ever!

At the Chamber Music Live and Free Day at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco. Eight people playing some seriously fragmented music! Brave audience!


Mike Matthews
Mike's Daily Podcast

Saturday, November 17, 2012

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST Saturday 11/17/2012 1pm

MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 414 Saturday November 17th 2012 1pm Pacific Time
"Internet Talk Radio For Your Imagination!"

Listen to today's show on by clicking on the link below...

Or if that's expired you can hear it forever here...

As you'll see below I have done a song for today's show.  The weather outside is rainy and on rainy days I feel like writing a tune.  My dog, Basil the Boxer, doesn't appreciate my music as he walks out of the room as I start recording.  So great to have such visible fans when you're creating.  Basil, so sorry that I'm torturing you with my music.  Luckily inspiration is so few and far between!

Today we hear from Benita, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster, PLUS we bring you the return of the much loved segment MIKE MAKES MUSIC where I debut a new song I just wrote and produced today.  Please keep your expectations low.

Tomorrow we bring you the segment MIKE ON MOBILE, plus we'll hear from Madame Rootabega, Valentino, and Bison Bentley.

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Thursday, November 15, 2012

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST Thursday 11/15/2012 2pm

MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 413 Thursday November 15th 2012 2pm Pacific Time
"Internet Talk Radio For Your Imagination!"

Listen to today's show on by clicking on the link below...

Or if the above link is expired you can listen to it forever on dropbox here...

In news today we find that Bay Area drivers are the first in the nation to drive with algae based biofuel.  Algae, for the those of you in the not-know, is that little organism that's going to take over the entire world at some point so we might as well use them now in our gas tanks.  I love the smell of a bio-diesel truck in front of me burning fuel made from discarded McDonald's french fries oil which I'm smelling less and less of these days.  I wonder what driving behind an algae car smells like.  Is it the smell of a swimming pool that hasn't had any chlorine put in it for 2 years?  Is it the smell of my dog's outside water bowl if I forget to clean it after 2 months?  Or is it the smell of the perfect fairy fart?  Who knows.  I guess we'll soon find out.

Today we hear from Chely Shoehart, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer, PLUS we bring you the FINALE of the segment INTO AN INTERVIEW with the band Finn Riggins and their vocalist/guitarist/bassist/

keyboardist Eric Gilbert!

Tomorrow we bring you the segment NEWS RANDOM, plus we hear from Benita, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster.

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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST Wednesday 11/14/2012 8pm

MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 412 Wednesday November 14th 2012 8pm Pacific Time
"Internet Talk Radio For Your Imagination!"

Listen to today's show on by clicking on the link below...

Or it the link above is expired you can find it forever on dropbox here...

Mummenschanz!  Yes, I said it!  They turn 40 this year and they're doing a local show!  They're the guys that outweirded the Muppets!  In fact, they were on the Muppets once and it looked like Jim Henson was having a tough time keeping up.  Since then, and I'm very old so I can wax about this, they appeared on Johnny Carson where my mom would always freak out when they were on.  Schatz, she'd say, it's Mummenschanz!  So fun to hear that sentence in a German accent.  At any rate, seeing Blue Man Group was as close as I've gotten to a Mummenschanz experience so maybe I'll go see this show.  What the hell.

Today we hear from Madame Rootabega, Valentino, and Bison Bentley, PLUS we bring you the segment INTO AN INTERVIEW with part 2 of our interview with the band Finn Riggins and their incredible vocalist, bassist, guitarist, and keyboardist Eric Gilbert.

Tomorrow we bring you the FINALE of INTO AN INTERVIEW with Finn Riggins' Eric Gilbert, PLUS we'll hear from Chely Shoehart, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer.

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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST Tuesday 11/13/2012 4pm

MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 411 Tuesday November 13th 2012 4pm Pacific Time
"Internet Talk Radio For Your Imagination!"

Listen to today's show on by clicking on the link below...

If the above link is expired you can find it forever on dropbox here...

There's a total solar eclipse going on in Australia today!  Crazy!  That also happens to be the name of a song from an awesome Australian band from the 80's called Icehouse.  They never had a song about eclipses, that was Bonnie Tyler's doing.  But in the end who cares because that waslong, long ago and the youth today just remembers the techno version by Nicki French.  The big question now is why did I buy Nicki's album?  I think I got it used for a dollar.  Yes, that dollar could have gone towards something better like a nice toupee for me.  Oh well.

Today we hear from Benita, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster, PLUS we bring you the segment INTO AN INTERVIEW where we talk to Eric Gilbert of the band Finn Riggins and listen to some of their awesome songs!

Tomorrow we bring you part 2 of my interview with Finn Riggins' Eric Gilbert, PLUS we hear from Madame Rootabega, Valentino, and Bison Bentley.

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Coming up later today at MikesDailyPodcast dot com and on iTunes...Finn Riggins!

This trio is amazing and right out of Boise!  I will post part 1 of my interview with singer/keyboardist/guitarist/bassist Eric Gilbert later today!  Don't miss it at or on iTunes keyword "Mike's Daily Podcast with Mike Matthews."

Monday, November 12, 2012

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST Monday 11/12/2012 6pm

MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 410 Monday November 12th 2012 6pm Pacific Time
"Internet Talk Radio For Your Imagination!"

Listen to today's show on by clicking on the link below...

Or if the above link is expired you can hear it forever on dropbox here...

I'm looking forward to our guest tomorrow!  It's the lead singer of the awesome band, Finn Riggins!  His name is Eric Gilbert and we'll talk about his music and hear a couple songs over the next couple days!  So entertaining!  You get so much more bang for your buck on this podcast!  Actually, you don't pay any bucks so there you go!  All that extra banging for nothing.  Hmmmm?

Today we hear from Chely Shoehart, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer, PLUS we bring you the segment MIKE ON MOBILE where I speak to you from an interesting location about interesting things.  Okay, some what interesting things.  Okay, boring things, but I'm walking a cute boxer while I'm doing it!

Tomorrow we bring you the segment INTO AN INTERVIEW with the lead singer of the band Finn Riggins, Eric Gilbert, plus we hear from Benita, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster.

Email me if you'd like to sponsor the show or if you'd like to be a guest on the show at
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Saturday, November 10, 2012

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST Saturday 11/10/2012 3pm

MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 409 Saturday November 10th 2012 3pm Pacific Time
"Internet Talk Radio For Your Imagination!"

Listen to today's show on by clicking on the link below...

If that link is expired you can find it forever on dropbox here...

Petraeus did the "Mad Men" thing and had an affair.  Wow, he's joined the Bill Clinton Club.  Those high stress jobs do strange things to people.  Now he's quit his job and must try to reconstruct his life.  I wonder how many librarians have affairs.  That seems pretty low stress.

Today we hear from Madame Rootabega, Valentino, and Bison Bentley, PLUS we bring you the segment WHAT's THE CLICHE OF THE WEEK? where we look at not the most overused word or phrase but the most overused THING this week.

Tomorrow we bring you the segment MIKE ON MOBILE, plus we hear from Chely Shoehart, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer.

Email me if you'd like to sponsor the show or if you'd like to be a guest on the show at
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Friday, November 9, 2012

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST Friday 11/9/2012 4pm

MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 408 Friday November 9th 2012 4pm Pacific Time
"Internet Talk Radio For Your Imagination!"

Listen to today's show on by clicking on the link below...

Or you can listen to it forever at this dropbox link below...

I am quoting directly from the NPD Group, a highly regarded market research company, via an article by Jason Gilbert on the Huffington Post website that the "percentage of Americans who listen to music on the Internet -- on services like Pandora, Spotify, YouTube and Rhapsody -- is closing in on the percentage of Americans who listen to music on traditional platforms like FM/AM radio and the compact disc."  Did you hear that?  If you still listen to "antennae radio" you are being left in the shadows like the Republicans who think they can win an election without appealing to women and Latino's.  This news makes me so happy.  I almost NEVER listen to antennae radio save for sometimes one of the two NPR stations in my area.  Most of the time while in my car I'm listening to podcasts and I try to listen to non-radio podcasts, one's that aren't aired on radio first and then turned into podcasts.  Unfortunately, the non-radio podcasts usually stink since they're created by immature males who think they're revolutionary because they use a lot of profanity.  However, there is NO profanity on my show, it is NOT heard on a radio station first, and it is brought to you completely free!  No commercials involved!  If you discover another podcast that follows those worthy rules, please let me know!

Today we hear from Benita, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster, PLUS we bring you the segment NEWS RANDOM where we hear about one of America's new dirty obsessions.

Tomorrow we bring you the delayed segment from a couple days ago WHAT's THE CLICHE OF THE WEEK?  Plus we'll hear from Madame Rootabega, Valentino, and Bison Bentley.

Email me if you'd like to sponsor the show or if you'd like to be a guest on the show at
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Watch the MIKEs DAILY post PODCAST (when we get around to doing it) on Mike's Daily Podcast TV at
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