"Internet Talk Radio For Your Imagination!"
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In news today we find that Bay Area drivers are the first in the nation to drive with algae based biofuel. Algae, for the those of you in the not-know, is that little organism that's going to take over the entire world at some point so we might as well use them now in our gas tanks. I love the smell of a bio-diesel truck in front of me burning fuel made from discarded McDonald's french fries oil which I'm smelling less and less of these days. I wonder what driving behind an algae car smells like. Is it the smell of a swimming pool that hasn't had any chlorine put in it for 2 years? Is it the smell of my dog's outside water bowl if I forget to clean it after 2 months? Or is it the smell of the perfect fairy fart? Who knows. I guess we'll soon find out.
Today we hear from Chely Shoehart, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer, PLUS we bring you the FINALE of the segment INTO AN INTERVIEW with the band Finn Riggins and their vocalist/guitarist/bassist/
Tomorrow we bring you the segment NEWS RANDOM, plus we hear from Benita, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster.
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