MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 232 Monday February 6th 2012
Listen to today's show on MichaelMatthews.podomatic.com by clicking below...
So I watched the superbowl yesterday
because I'm a hypocrite regarding everything I say
yesterday's show I complained about why all the hype
just to watch a bunch of commercials and athletic guys
then while I was standing in a store just before the game
I heard two ladies say they couldn't wait to watch the same
because one was all about Eli Manning the other Tom Brady
now I see why this game appeals to the ladies
and I saw that Clint Eastwood commercial. It was long. Very long long long. And I guess inspirational.
Have you heard enough media chatter go on and shout it
funny how in just two days you'll forget all about it!...you'll be thinking of Valentines Day...Or trying not to think about it.
Today we hear from Madame Rootabega, Valentino the Parking Attendant, and Bison Bentley, PLUS we bring you a special edition of RIDICULOUS RANDOM POSTS!
Tomorrow we bring you the delayed segment MIKE's SCAVENGER HUNT plus we hear from Floyd the Floorman, John Deer the Engineer, and Chely Shoehart the Giftshop Supervisor: three people that watched the superbowl yesterday and now all they can talk about is how glad they are that the Giants won...since deep down they love giants; Andre, Jolly Green, Conan O'Brien...they're all just so adorable! So precious so..Ow! Get off my foot!
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