MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 265 Friday March 23rd 2012
"Internet Talk Radio For Your Imagination!"
Listen to today's show on MichaelMatthews.podomatic.com by clicking on the link below...
So today I was listening to my windows media player
playing songs on shuffle cuz that's how I play her
suddenly up came the Little River Band
and I smiled in a way I don't understand
they were a group that came out of Australia
and they had hits in the 70's and 80's for ya
they had "Cool Change", "Lady", and "Lonesome Loser"
I would sing that now but I really don't want to lose you
today is also National Chip and Dip Day so make sure to enjoy that fattening condiment
plus it's also Near Miss Day when an asteroid almost hit us
it came within 500,000 miles but for me that's enough...we need Bruce Willis to save us...next time that happens...God, that was a long tedious movie.
Today we hear from Chely Shoehart the Giftshop Supervisor, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer, PLUS the segment INTO AN INTERVIEW and on NEWS RANDOM, is the blogosphere shrinking?
Tomorrow we bring you the new segment MIKE's ABSOLUTELY USELESS REVIEW, or MAUR for short, PLUS we'll hear from Benita the Rodeo Queen, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster: three people who love the Little River Band. They follow them any where they play and have even stalked some of the band members. This is a huge compliment to the River Band who just think the three of them are a small lost tour group that is struggling to find their bus back home. That's what they're hoping for, at least.
Mike Matthews
Sponsor this show and the group Hanson will show up at your house and play an impromptu concert. If by "impromptu" you mean imaginary. Let your imagination make that happen. Or, if you like, stop that from happening. You decide. Email me if you'd like to sponsor the show or if you'd like to be a guest on the show at MikesDailyPodcast@gmail.com
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