MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 255 Monday March 12th 2012
Listen to today's show on MichaelMatthews.podomatic.com by clicking on the link below...
So here it is Monday
and of course I've got nothing to say
except about people who absolutely
have to park right in front of where they want to be
they can't maybe park at the back of the lot
that's the biggest insult to make me walk
I've got a car so I should be allowed to drive
anywhere I want till the day I'm not alive
because I decided to sit on my butt my whole life and never walked any where
Oh, and it's funny though I live in the Bay Area
so many people still drive, it's scary-uh...forget BART...forget the extensive bus system...I'm still gonna drive!
Today we hear from Madame Rootabega, Valentino the Parking Attendant, and Bison Bentley, PLUS we bring you the segment WHAT's THE CLICHE OF THE WEEK? And on NEWS RANDOM, Columbo keeps on giving.
Tomorrow we bring you the segment MIKE ON MOBILE plus we hear from Chely Shoehart the Giftshop Supervisor, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer: three people that always have to park right up front. They'd park in the handicap place if they could. "Lazy idiots." That's what their sign should be. That would be offensive to idiots.
Sponsor this show and you'll never have to ever be someone that you are not and in fact you will never have to ever right a boring sentence like this again or say the lame words "Huzah!" So lame. Email me at MikesDailyPodcast@gmail.com
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