Saturday, October 30, 2010

THIS TUESDAY IS ELECTION DAY! WWWWWHAT?!?    Yes, by now you have been inundated (and by inundated I mean held down by an  arm sticking out

Yes, by now you have been inundated (and by inundated I mean held down by an
arm sticking out of your TV screen telling you more about politicians and
propositions than you ever wanted to know) by all the political ads. DO NOT

Vote for whatever and whomever. Just please do me a favor and do this
country a favor and DO NOT GET YOUR INFORMATION FROM THE TV! Everything you
see is slanted some way: you're just getting the story that sells or looks

The facts, I'm afraid, are not easy to get. You need to dig into the
internet. Search key phrases and names. Click on several choices and
INVESTIGATE. Don't simply do what your party tells you to do (and don't
just accept blindly the "voting pamphlets" they send out). Vote with your
brain. Vote like a free-thinking, non-brain-washed individual. You live in
America, the land of the free! You are free to vote whatever way you like
despite what people, organizations, and media tell you. Vote and be proud
of your vote. Just please vote. The people staying home this year are the
biggest fools of all!

There's not much time left. Before you check what all your friends are
doing on facebook and the latest sports scores, search some of the names of
the politicians and propositions. Realize that some websites, like TV, have
their slants, so take everything you see with a grain of salt. This Tuesday
will be one of the most interesting election days we've seen in a while. Be
a part of it. Whatever the outcome, at least we'll be able to say America
has spoken! So speak from YOUR brain and not the brains of those yelling at
you through the TV screen.

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